Company Data
Xceltis GmbH
Kamenzer Straße 12
68309 Mannheim
Phone: +49 (0) 621-872096-0
Fax: +49 (0) 621-872096-29
Legal Data
CEO: Dr. Helga Haas-Sigmund, Dr. Steffen Roth
Amtsgericht / Court of Jurisdiction: Amtsgericht Mannheim, HRB 341505
USt-Id Nr./VAT/TVA-ID: DE812675753
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Zur Datenschutzerklärung des Websitebetreibers:
Xceltis GmbH General Terms
- All products delivered by Xceltis GmbH are for research purposes only.
- The products are only to be used by trained users in laboratories equipped to perform life science research.
- Restrictions by the local law have to be respected by the purchaser.
- No license or immunity under any patent is either granted or implied by the sale of any of our products.
- Xceltis´s warranty is to meet the specifications outlined in the accompanying data sheets and does not exceed the purchase price for the products.
- All prices are net and are subject to change.
- No responsibility is taken for the correctness of prices (errors accepted).
- For perishable products shipped with dry ice or cool packs within Germany, Xceltis charges a shipping and handling charge of EUR 15.00
- For non-perishable products shipped at ambient temperature within Germany, Xceltis charges a shipping charge of EUR 8.00
- Shipping and handling charges for shipments to countries other than Germany, please inquire.
- Payment terms are 30 days unless specified otherwise. Xceltis GmbH reserves the right to charge administration fees and interest for late payments.
- Reservation of proprietary rights. Xceltis GmbH remains owner of products until full payment is received.